Road markings in South Africa

K53 Learner's License Guides | 0 comments

This section includes the road markings in South Africa you need to know for your South African learner’s license test.

K53 road markings get split into the following categories:

  1. Regulatory road markings.
  2. Longitudinal regulatory road markings.
  3. Exclusive parking bay symbols.
  4. Road guidance markings.
  5. Road warning markings.

Regulatory K53 road markings

Stop line

You must bring your vehicle to a complete stop just before the line.

k53 regulatory road markings
k53 regulatory road markings

Yield line

  • When you see this road marking, you must give the right of way to all vehicles that cross before you.
  • This line has the same meaning as the yield road sign.
Yield line road marking
Yield line road marking

Bus lane

The yellow dotted line indicates that the lane is for buses only.

Bus lane road marking
Bus lane road marking

Pedestrian crossing ahead

Be cautious as you approach this area and stop if pedestrians are crossing or are about to cross the road.

Pedestrian crossing
Pedestrian crossing

Box junction

You may not stop in the yellow area.

Box junction
Box junction

Longitudinal regulatory road markings

Left & right edge line

You may not drive inside the right or left edge line unless it is an emergency lane (yellow line) and you have an emergency.

Edge line road marking
Edge line road marking

Painted island

You may only drive in this area if instructed to by a police officer, in an emergency, or to avoid a potentially dangerous situation.

Painted island road marking
Painted island

Pedestrian crossing line

When approaching a pedestrian crossing, you may not stop in this area except if pedestrians are crossing or want to cross here.

Pedestrian crossing line
Pedestrian crossing line

Mandatory direction arrows

When you approach these arrows, you may not stop in the yellow area and must travel in the direction of the marking.

Mandatory direction arrows
Mandatory direction arrows

Exclusive parking bay markings


Only official emergency ambulance vehicles may park in the specified parking zone as indicated by the symbol.

k53 road markings exclusive parking bay symbols
Ambulance parking bay


When you see this symbol in a parking bay, it indicates that only buses may park in the specified parking zone.

Bus parking bay
Bus parking bay


This unique symbol indicates that only official diplomatic vehicles may park in this parking area.

Diplomatic parking bay
Diplomatic parking bay


You guessed it! Only minibuses may park in this parking area.

Exclusive parking mini bus
Exclusive parking mini bus

Road guidance markings

Bicycle crossing lines

Be cautious of cyclists crossing the street when you see this marking on the road. Treat this area the same as a pedestrian crossing.

Bicycle crossing lines
Bicycle crossing lines

Furcation arrows

These arrows indicate that there is going to be an increase in the number of lanes ahead.

Furcation arrows
Furcation arrows


At major intersections, you will come across these lines (represented by the dotted lines). They will assist in guiding you along the correct route at those intersections.


Road Warning Markers

Speed bump marker

You may want to slow down when you see this marker as you will be travelling over a speed bump.

speed bump
Speed bump

Arrestor bed ahead

These road markings signal drivers of heavy goods vehicles that there is an arrestor bed available. Arrestor beds are emergency stops for heavy goods vehicles.

arrestor beds
Arrestor beds

Railway crossing ahead

This big white ‘x’ on the road surface is there to encourage you to take caution as you approach a railway crossing.

railway crossing ahead
Railway crossing ahead

Yield control ahead

The triangle illustrated here has the same meaning as a yield sign. When you see this marking, you must slow down and make way for approaching traffic in front of you.

k53 yield control ahead road marking
Yield control ahead

Learner’s License Guides

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